& Counseling

All of the therapies and healing modalities PRANA BALI offers are part of a complete, holistic and bespoke program, tailored to each individual client, and counseling is one of its cornerstones. Our practitioners are all highly experienced professionals in a varied range of approaches. Many members of our team have overcome personal challenges using the tools offered by PRANA BALI. Some know the recovery journey well themselves, while others have been active in the recovery field, at private rehabs and in other capacities, for decades.

Based on our comprehensive assessment of your profile, we will match you with the therapist best equipped to assist and support you individually. The personal connection you establish with your therapist will assist you greatly throughout your process, and they will help you re-connect to a confident, empowered place within you, and with your own innate healing power.

Psychotherapy is an in-depth relational experience that causes powerful shifts, and as issues are brought to light and processed, you will need to both integrate the changes you experience and to self-reflect. Sessions will be as required, in order to give you the time and space you need for this.

Your personalized therapy program will help you uncover, explore and begin to understand the issues at the core of your predicament, and to see more clearly how you reached a stage of personal crisis. Your practitioner will help you acquire evidence-based tools to allow you to address and manage your issues in a healthier and more sustainable way. The whole process will be geared toward helping you build a solid foundation that can facilitate a more balanced and fulfilling life.

If you decide you would like to continue working with a psychotherapist after you leave us, we will be happy to connect you with a professional in your area thanks to our extensive network around the world.

BEGIN YOUR transformation TODAY

You will have the luxury of recovering in complete confidentiality with your own personal team of highly qualified practitioners at your service, all on the paradise island of Bali.